Ph.D. Masa

数物情報研究会 主宰
博士(理学) 専門 : 原子物理学

Mechanics Physics


coefficient of friction - 摩擦係数

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A dimensionless scalar value which describes the ratio of the force of friction between two bodies and the force pressing them together. Definition (Japanese Translation):2つの物体間の摩擦力とそれらを押し付ける力の比を表す次元のないスカラー値。 coefficie ...

Mechanics Physics


inelastic collision - 非弾性衝突

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A collision in which colliding objects become distorted, generate heat, and possibly stick together. Definition (Japanese Translation):衝突する物体が変形し、熱を発生させ、場合によっては一緒にくっつく衝突。 inelastic collision ~ Example sentence - 例文 Dur ...

Mechanics Physics


elastic collision - 弾性衝突

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A collision in which colliding objects rebound without lasting deformation or the generation of heat. Definition (Japanese Translation):衝突する物体が持続的な変形や熱の発生なしに反発する衝突。 elastic collision ~ Example sentence - 例文 In an elast ...

Mechanics Physics


collision - 衝突

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):An event where two or more bodies exert forces on each other for a relatively short period of time. Definition (Japanese Translation):2つ以上の物体が相互に力を及ぼし合う、比較的短い期間の事象。 collision ~ Example sentence - 例文 In the collision, t ...

Mechanics Physics


gear - 歯車

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A toothed wheel that works with others to alter the relation between the speed of a driving mechanism and the speed of driven machinery. Definition (Japanese Translation):駆動メカニズムの速度と駆動される機械の速度との関係を変更するために他の歯車と連動する歯車。 g ...

Mechanics Physics


wheel - 車輪

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it to move easily over the ground. Definition (Japanese Translation):車軸に回転する円形の物体で、車両やその他の物体の下に固定され、地面上を簡単に動かすことを可能にするもの ...

Mechanics Physics


pulley - プーリー, 滑車

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A wheel with a grooved rim around which a cord passes, used to raise heavy weights. Definition (Japanese Translation):コードが通過する溝付きリムを持つ車輪で、重い重量を持ち上げるために使用される。 pulley ~ Example sentence - 例文 The pulley system reduced the ...

Mechanics Physics


lever arm - レバーアーム, てこ腕

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force. Definition (Japanese Translation):回転軸から力の作用線までの垂直距離。 lever arm ~ Example sentence - 例文 Increasing the length of the lever arm enh ...

Mechanics Physics


axis of rotation - 回転軸

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A straight line about which a body or geometric object rotates or may be conceived to rotate. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体または幾何学的対象が回転する、あるいは回転すると考えられる直線。 axis of rotation ~ Example sentence - 例文 The axis of ro ...

Mechanics Physics


moment of inertia - 慣性モーメント

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A quantity expressing a body's tendency to resist angular acceleration, calculated from the sum of the products of the mass of each particle in the body and the square of its distance from the axis of rotation. Definit ...