Ph.D. Masa

数物情報研究会 主宰
博士(理学) 専門 : 原子物理学

Mechanics Physics


angular acceleration - 角加速度

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The rate of change of angular velocity with respect to time, generally measured in radians per second squared. Definition (Japanese Translation):通常、秒平方あたりのラジアンで測定される、時間に関する角速度の変化率。 angular acceleration ~ Example senten ...

Mechanics Physics


angular velocity - 角速度

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The rate of change of angular displacement of a particle in circular motion with respect to time. Definition (Japanese Translation):円運動を行う粒子の角変位の時間に対する変化率。 angular velocity ~ Example sentence - 例文 The gyroscope exhibit ...

Mechanics Physics


revolution - 公転

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The movement of an object in a circular or elliptical course around another or about an axis or center. Definition (Japanese Translation):他の物体や軸や中心点の周りで円形または楕円形のコースを描く物体の動き。 revolution ~ Example sentence - 例文 The scien ...

Mechanics Physics


rotation - 回転

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The action or process of an object moving in a circle around a central point. Definition (Japanese Translation):中心点の周りで物体が円を描いて移動する行動またはプロセス。 rotation ~ Example sentence - 例文 The wheel's rotation increases speed due to ...

Mechanics Physics


lift - 揚力

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The force that directly opposes the weight of an object and supports it in the air or water. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体の重量に直接反対する力で、それを空中や水中で支える力。 lift ~ Example sentence - 例文 Lift is the force that opposes t ...

Mechanics Physics


drag - 抗力

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid. Definition (Japanese Translation):周囲の流体に対する任意の物体の相対的な動きに逆行する力。 drag ~ Example sentence - 例文 Drag is a force that ...

Mechanics Physics


turbulence - 乱流

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A flow regime characterized by chaotic, stochastic property changes, including rapid variation of pressure and flow velocity. Definition (Japanese Translation):圧力や流速の急激な変動を含む、混沌とした確率的性質の変化を特徴とする流れの体制。 turbulence ~ Exam ...

Mechanics Physics


Bernoulli's principle - ベルヌーイの原理

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A principle that describes the behavior of a moving fluid and how pressure decreases as the speed of the fluid increases. Definition (Japanese Translation):移動流体の振る舞いを記述し、流体の速度が増加すると圧力が減少するという原理。 Bernoulli's principle ~ ...

Mechanics Physics


viscosity - 粘性

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. It describes the internal friction of a moving fluid. Definition (Japanese Translation):流体の流れに対する抵抗の尺度。これは移動流体の内部摩擦を記述します。 viscosity ~ Example sentence - 例文 Viscosity is a mea ...

Mechanics Physics


buoyancy - 浮力

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The force exerted by a fluid against the body immersed in it, which opposes the force of gravity. Definition (Japanese Translation):それに没入した物体に対して流体が及ぼす力で、重力の力に反対するものです。 buoyancy ~ Example sentence - 例文 Buoyancy is the ...