Ph.D. Masa

数物情報研究会 主宰
博士(理学) 専門 : 原子物理学

Mechanics Physics


amplitude - 振幅

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium. Definition (Japanese Translation):平衡位置から測定した振動や振動の最大範囲。 amplitude ~ Example sentence - 例文 The amplitude of the wave increases ...

Mechanics Physics


frequency - 周波数

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. Definition (Japanese Translation):単位時間あたりの繰り返し事象の発生回数。 frequency ~ Example sentence - 例文 The frequency of oscillation of a pendulum is determined by its ...

Mechanics Physics


period - 周期

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The duration of time of one cycle in a repeating event or phenomenon. Definition (Japanese Translation):繰り返し発生する事象や現象の1サイクルの時間の長さ。 period ~ Example sentence - 例文 The professor labeled the time interval as the period. 教 ...

Mechanics Physics


oscillation - 振動

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value or between two or more different states. Definition (Japanese Translation):通常時間に関して、ある中心値や二つ以上の異なる状態の間での、何らかの測定値の繰り返し変動。 oscillation ~ ...

Mechanics Physics


trajectory - 軌道

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The path that a moving object follows through space as a function of time. Definition (Japanese Translation):時間の関数として空間を通過する移動する物体が従うパス。 trajectory ~ Example sentence - 例文 The trajectory of a projectile is influenced b ...

Mechanics Physics


time - 時間

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A continuous, irreversible succession of events occurring in a seemingly irreversible succession from the past, through the present, to the future. Definition (Japanese Translation):過去から現在を経て未来への、一見不可逆的な連続した一連の事象。 time ...

Mechanics Physics


Newton's laws - ニュートンの法則

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):Three fundamental principles that describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and the body's motion in response to those forces. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体とその上に作用する力との関係、およびそれらの力に対 ...

Mechanics Physics


distance - 距離

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A scalar quantity that represents the interval between two points in space. Definition (Japanese Translation):空間における二点間の間隔を表すスカラー量。 distance ~ Example sentence - 例文 The total distance traveled by the car was 50 kilomet ...

Mechanics Physics


displacement - 変位

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The vector quantity representing the change in position of a point from its initial position to its final position. Definition (Japanese Translation):点の初期位置から最終位置までの位置変化を表すベクトル量。 displacement ~ Example sentence - 例文 Th ...

Mechanics Physics


normal force - 垂直抗力

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A force exerted by an object in response to the gravitational force, acting perpendicular to the surface with which the object is in contact. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体が重力に対して反応として発生させる力であり、物体が接触している表面に対して垂直に ...