Ph.D. Masa

数物情報研究会 主宰
博士(理学) 専門 : 原子物理学

Mechanics Physics


frictional force - 摩擦力

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other. Definition (Japanese Translation):固体表面、流体層、および互いに滑る材料要素の相対運動に抵抗する力。 frictional force ~ Example ...

Mechanics Physics


conservation - 保存

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):In physics, refers to a principle stating that a particular measurable property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves. Definition (Japanese Translation):物理学において、孤立した物理系の特定の測定可能な性質が、系が進化する ...

Mechanics Physics


kinetic energy - 運動エネルギー

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The energy that a body possesses by virtue of being in motion. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体が運動中であることによって持つエネルギー。 kinetic energy ~ Example sentence - 例文 A moving car possesses kinetic energy due to its motion. 移 ...

Mechanics Physics


potential energy - 位置エネルギー

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The energy possessed by an object due to its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体が他の物体に対する位置、内部の応力、電荷、またはその他の要因によって持ってい ...

Mechanics Physics


energy - エネルギー

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A property or attribute of objects, transferable among them via fundamental interactions, which can be converted in form but not created or destroyed. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体の属性や特性であり、基本的な相互作用を介してそれらの間で転送可 ...

Mechanics Physics


work - 仕事

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):In physics, it is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force is applied over a distance, and is calculated as the force multiplied by the distance over which it is applied, in the direction of the force. Definitio ...

Mechanics Physics


gravity - 重力

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A force that attracts any two objects with mass towards each other, generally observed as the force that pulls objects towards the Earth. Definition (Japanese Translation):任意の2つの質量を持つ物体を互いに引き寄せる力で、一般的には地球に物体を引き寄せる力として観 ...

Mechanics Physics


centrifugal - 遠心的な

Parse:Adjective - 形容詞 Definition (English):Pertaining to a force that acts outward on a body moving around a center, arising from the body's inertia. Definition (Japanese Translation):体が中心の周りを移動するときに体から外向きに作用する力に関連し、体の慣性から生じる。 centrifugal ~ Example senten ...

Mechanics Physics


centripetal - 向心的な, 求心的な

Parse:Adjective - 形容詞 Definition (English):Referring to a force that acts on a body moving in a circular path and is directed towards the center around which the body is moving. Definition (Japanese Translation):体が動いている中心点に向かって作用する力を指し、これが循環経路で動いている体に作用する ...

Mechanics Physics


equilibrium - 平衡

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A state where opposing forces or influences are balanced, often referring to a state of physical balance or a stable condition in a process. Definition (Japanese Translation):対立する力や影響がバランスしている状態で、しばしば物理的なバランスの状態やプロセスの安 ...