Ph.D. Masa

数物情報研究会 主宰
博士(理学) 専門 : 原子物理学

Mechanics Physics


torque - トルク

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis. It is equal to the force applied multiplied by the distance from the axis. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体を軸周りに回転させることができる力の尺度。軸からの距離に適用された力 ...

Mechanics Physics


tension - 張力

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The force exerted by a material when it is stretched or pulled, usually measured in units of force per cross-sectional area. Definition (Japanese Translation):材料が伸ばされたり引っ張られたりする際に発生する力で、通常は断面積当たりの力の単位で測定される。 tension ~ ...

Mechanics Physics


friction - 摩擦

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another, often resulting in the conversion of kinetic energy into heat. Definition (Japanese Translation):一つの表面や物体が他の物体の上を移動する際に遭遇する抵抗で、しばしば運動エネルギーが ...

Mechanics Physics


impulse - 力積

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The change in momentum of an object; the product of the force applied to an object and the time over which it is applied. Definition (Japanese Translation):物体の運動量の変化; 物体に適用される力とそれが適用される時間の積。 impulse ~ Example sentence ...

Mechanics Physics


momentum - 運動量

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. Definition (Japanese Translation):運動体の運動量であり、その質量と速度の積として測定される。 momentum ~ Example sentence - 例文 An object in motion has momentum ...

Mechanics Physics


weight - 重量

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The force exerted on a body by gravity, equal to the mass of the body multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity. Definition (Japanese Translation):重力によって物体に加えられる力であり、重力加速度による物体の質量の積と等しい。 weight ~ Example sentence - ...

Mechanics Physics


force - 力

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):A push or a pull that one body exerts on another, which may cause a change in motion or shape. Definition (Japanese Translation):一つの物体が他の物体に及ぼす押し力や引き力で、運動や形の変化を引き起こす可能性がある。 force ~ Example sentence - 例文 A force applied ...

Mechanics Physics


velocity - 速度

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The speed of something in a given direction. The rate of displacement per unit time. Definition (Japanese Translation):与えられた方向での何かの速度, 単位時間あたりの変位の変化率。 velocity ~ Example sentence - 例文 The velocity of an object is defin ...

Mechanics Physics


kinematics - 運動学

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The branch of mechanics that describes the motion of objects and groups of objects without considering the forces that cause the motion. Definition (Japanese Translation):運動を引き起こす力を考慮せず、物体や物体群の運動を記述する力学の分野。 kinematics ...

Mechanics Physics


statics - 静力学

Parse:Noun - 名詞 Definition (English):The branch of mechanics that is concerned with the analysis of loads (force and torque, or "moment") acting on physical systems that do not experience an acceleration, but rather, are in static equilibrium with their e ...