Mechanics Physics

gravitational constant - 万有引力定数, 重力定数

  • Parse:Noun - 名詞
  • Definition (English):The constant in the universal law of gravitation that relates the gravitational force between two masses to the product of their masses and the inverse of the square of the distance between them.
  • Definition (Japanese Translation):万有引力の法則において、二つの質量間の重力を、それらの質量の積と二つの質量間の距離の平方の逆数に関連付ける定数。

gravitational constant ~ Example sentence - 例文

The researchers measured the gravitational constant with high precision instruments.

Understanding the gravitational constant allows scientists to predict planetary motions accurately.

The gravitational constant is a fundamental parameter in the field of gravitational physics.

-Mechanics, Physics
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