
データと数式の読み方 - How to Read Data and Formulas



数値の表現 - Expression of numbers

整数 - integer

  • 「thousand, hundred」は複数形にしない
$540$ five hundred and forty
$3,420$ three thousand four hundred and twenty


小数 - decimal, fractional number

  • 小数点:a decimal point
  • 「0」の読み方:zero, oh, nought, naught
fifty-four point zero one
fifty-four point oh one
zero point three one
oh point three one


分数 - fraction

  • 分子:numerator
  • 分母:denominator
  • 特殊な読み方以外は「分母は序数」
  • 分子が1以外は分母の序数は複数形
$\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}$ a half
$\displaystyle\frac{1}{3}$ a third
$\displaystyle\frac{1}{4}$ a quarter
$\displaystyle\frac{1}{5}$ one-fifth
$\displaystyle\frac{3}{4}$ three quarters
$\displaystyle\frac{3}{7}$ three sevenths
$3\displaystyle\frac{2}{7}$ three and two sevenths
$\displaystyle\frac{A}{B}$ $A$ over $B$


比率 - ratio

パーセント - percentage

$43\%$ four-three percent
$120\%$ one hundred twenty percent


比 - ratio

$2:3$ two to three
$3:4:5$ three to four to five


演算式の表現 - Expression of operations

四則演算 - arithmetic operations, basic arithmetic

加算 - addition

  • $+$:plus
$3+4$ three plus four
We Add A to B.
Three plus four equals seven.
Three plus four is equal to seven.
$x$ squared plus $x$ minus two equals oh.
Three times $x$ plus four times $y$ equals seven.


減算 - subtraction

  • $-$:minus
$8-5$ eight minus five
BからAを引く。 ($B-A$) We subtract A from B.


乗算 - multiplication

  • $\times$:times , multiplied by
five times three
five multiplied by three
five three
AにBを掛ける。 ($A\times B$) We multiply A by B.


除算 - division

  • $÷ $:divided by
$6÷4$ six divided by four
AをBで割る。($A÷B$) We divide A by B.


指数 - index, exponent

平方 - square

$3^2$ three squared
$x^2$ $x$ squared


立方 - cube

$3^3$ three cubed
$x^3$ $x$ cubed


$n$乗 - to the power of $n$ , to the $n$th power

five to the power four
five to the fourth power
five to the power of four
five raised to the power of four
$x^4$ $x$ to the four
$(x^3)^2$ $x$ cubed all squared
$x$ to the power minus one
$x$ to the minus one
$\displaystyle x^{\frac{m}{n}}$
$x$ to the power $m$ over $n$


平方根 - square root

the square root of three
square root three
the root of three
root three
$\sqrt{x^5}$ the square root of x to the power five
$\sqrt{x^6} = x^3$ The square root of $x^6$ is $x^3$.
The square root of $x$ to the power of 6  is $x$ to the power of three.
The square root of $x^6$ means $x^3$.


3乗根 - cube root

$\sqrt[3]{8}$ the cube root of eight
$\sqrt[3]{x^6}$ the cube root of $x$ to the power six
The cube root of $x^6$ is $x^2$
The cube root of $x$ to the power six is $x$ to the power two.


$n$方根 - $n$th root

$\sqrt[4]{16}$ the fourth root of sixteen
$\sqrt[n]{x^m}$ the n-th root of $x$ to the power m


対数 - logarithm

$\log_{10} 3$
log to the base ten of three
log three to the base ten
$\log_e 3$
log to the base $e$ of three
log three to the base $e$
natural log of three
$\ln x$
natural logarithm of $x$
natural log of $x$


三角関数 - trigonometric functions, trigonometry

$\sin x$ sine $x$
$\cos x$ cosine $x$
$\tan x$ tangent $x$
$\csc x$ cosecant $x$
$\sec x$ secant $x$
$\cot x$ cotangent $x$
$\arcsin x$ arcsine $x$
$\arccos x$ arccosine $x$
$\arctan x$ arctangent $x$
$\sinh x$ hyperbolic sine $x$
$\cosh x$ hyperbolic cosine $x$
$\tanh x$ hyperbolic tangent $x$


数式の大小表現 - Expression of inequality

等式 - equation

$x=1$ $x$ equals one.
$\alpha =0$ $\alpha$ equals zero.
Two times $x$ minus three times $y$ equals seven.
Two $x$ minus three $y$ equals seven.
$\displaystyle \sqrt[3]{x^2}=x^{\frac{2}{3}}$
The cube root of $x$ squared equals $x$ to the power two over three.



不等式 - inequality

  • $>$ :greater than, more than
  • $<$ :less than, smaller than
$x$ is greater than $y$.
$x$ is more than $y$.
$x$ plus three is greater than zero.
$x$ plus three is more than zero.
$x$ is less than $y$.
$x$ is smaller than $y$.
$x\geq y$ $x$ is greater than or equal to $y$.
$x\leq y$ $x$ is less than or equal to $y$.
$0<x<y$ zero is less than $x$ which is less than $y$.
$0\leq x\leq y$
zero is less than or equal to $x$ which is less than or equal to $y$.


