Mechanics Physics

pendulum - 振り子

  • Parse:Noun - 名詞
  • Definition (English):A weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward, especially a rod with a weight at the end that swings on a pivot.
  • Definition (Japanese Translation):特にピボット上で振れる端に重りが付いた棒など、後方と前方に自由に振れるように固定点から吊るされた重り。

pendulum ~ Example sentence - 例文

The pendulum demonstrates simple harmonic motion under the influence of gravity.

The scientist observed the pendulum swinging with a consistent amplitude.

We can calculate the pendulum's period using the formula $T = 2\pi\displaystyle \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}$.
$T = 2\pi\displaystyle \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}$の式を使用して、振り子の周期を計算することができます。

-Mechanics, Physics
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