Mechanics Physics

statics - 静力学

  • Parse:Noun - 名詞
  • Definition (English):The branch of mechanics that is concerned with the analysis of loads (force and torque, or "moment") acting on physical systems that do not experience an acceleration, but rather, are in static equilibrium with their environment.
  • Definition (Japanese Translation):加速度を経験しないが、むしろその環境と静的平衡にある物理系に作用する負荷(力とトルク、または「モーメント」)の分析に関わる力学の分野。

statics ~ Example sentence - 例文

Statics deals with forces and their effects on objects at rest.

The principles of statics are essential for designing stable structures.

Engineers use statics to ensure that bridges can bear the weight of vehicles without collapsing.

-Mechanics, Physics
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